How I Passed CompTIA Security+ in Two months?

How I Passed CompTIA Security+ in Two months?

Security+ is widely recognized as one of the premier entry-level certifications in the field of cybersecurity, encompassing crucial security domains. Achieving success in the Security+ exam requires strategic utilization of appropriate resources and consistent practice with exam questions. In this post, I will share my personal journey of preparing for the exam and the resources that proved instrumental in my studies.


My study approach involved leveraging a variety of resources. Foremost among them were the video series by Professor Messer, where he adeptly elucidates concepts using clear language and visual aids. Another valuable resource was Jason Dion's Udemy course, offering an extensive set of over 600 questions pertinent to the Security+ exam. Additionally, I utilized Exam Topics, a website providing practice questions for Security+. It is essential to note that while this resource is beneficial, there may be inaccuracies in some answers, necessitating careful validation.

Study Method

My study routine was woven into the fabric of my internship commitments, allowing for dedicated but not full-time engagement. During available intervals, I invested time in watching Professor Messer's videos and engaging in practice questions from Jason Dion's course. A key recommendation is to take comprehensive notes during the study process. Notion, a task and note planner application, proved invaluable in organizing and structuring my notes. As a visual learner, much of my study approach revolved around consolidating information from Professor Messer's visual explanations.

Final Steps

As the exam date approached, I prioritized a thorough practice test to gauge my readiness comprehensively. I strongly advocate the use of the All-in-One exam book for this purpose. While some opt for a practice exam or the actual test itself for insight, I acknowledge that this may not be feasible for everyone. Personally, I dedicated significant time to multiple practice tests, allowing for a deeper understanding of my readiness.


In conclusion, success in the Security+ exam is attainable through diligence and commitment. This certification, often regarded as a gateway to the cybersecurity industry, can unlock numerous opportunities. Regardless of the challenges faced, perseverance is paramount. With dedication and time investment, this certification not only becomes achievable but also opens doors to a rewarding career in cybersecurity. In the face of difficulties, it is crucial not to lose heart and to persist in your pursuit of knowledge and skill development.